The Red Hen of UAE
In the children's story "The Little Red Hen," the titular character works tirelessly to plant and harvest wheat, only to have her fellow farm animals refuse to help her make bread from the wheat. When the bread is finally finished, the other animals demand a share of the bounty despite their lack of contribution. This story can be seen as a reflection of the working class in the United Arab Emirates.
These individuals often put in long hours and hard labor, yet are underpaid and undervalued by their employers. They are expected to perform the same tasks as their higher-paid counterparts, but receive little recognition or fair compensation for their efforts. Just like the other farm animals in the story, the upper class in the UAE often takes credit for the hard work of the underpaid working class, reaping the benefits without contributing to the effort.
It is time for the government and employers in the UAE to recognize the value and contribution of the working class, and provide them with fair compensation for their labor. The moral of "The Little Red Hen" is that hard work should be rewarded, and this principle must be upheld for the working class in the UAE.
The working class in the UAE deserve to be treated with respect and dignity, and to receive fair compensation for their labor. It is unacceptable for the government and employers in the UAE to continue to profit off the backs of the working class without providing fair compensation. This is nothing short of exploitation and oppression, and it must be addressed and rectified immediately.
The upper class in the UAE must acknowledge the contributions and efforts of the working class, and provide them with the justice and equality they deserve. The exploitation and oppression of the underpaid working class must come to an end, and fair compensation must be provided for their hard work and dedication.
In conclusion, the working class in the UAE faces many of the same challenges as the Little Red Hen in the children's story. They are expected to work hard and make sacrifices, yet are not given the recognition or compensation they deserve. It is time for the government and employers in the UAE to acknowledge and address this injustice, and provide the working class with the respect and fair compensation they deserve.
“The working class in the UAE deserve fair compensation and recognition for their hard work.”
- The working class in the UAE are expected to work hard and make sacrifices, yet are not given the recognition or compensation they deserve.
- The upper class in the UAE often takes credit for the hard work of the underpaid working class, reaping the benefits without contributing to the effort.
- The exploitation and oppression of the underpaid working class must come to an end, and fair compensation must be provided for their hard work and dedication.
- The government and employers in the UAE must acknowledge and address the injustice faced by the working class, and provide them with the respect and fair compensation they deserve.
Main argument: The working class in the UAE deserve fair compensation and recognition for their hard work and dedication, and it is the responsibility of the government and employers in the UAE to provide this.